I need you to find an article on the trend of high school athletes and concussions. You need to link your article to your post. (Copy/Paste the url into the post so I can read it.) Summarize your article and give me your opinion on what you think should be done to prevent injury.
ReplyDeleteIn the article I was reading, entitled "Doctors Throw Flags On High School Concussions" by Jon Hamilton, I first stumbled up a point made where Superbowl and other NFL athletes who suffer concussions are taken out of the game; but many high school athletes are not. Approximately 60,000 of high school athletes suffer a concussion each year on average. This article was published in 2011 when there were many lobbying for laws on high school student concussion precaution; but it is still relevant today on the importance of the issue. Not only do football players suffer concussions, but other high school athletes do as well. These concussions can lead to dangerous injury, and players often returned to the field after suffering one. Activists began the trail of increasing awareness of concussions and instituting reform in concussion recovery by having a law passed in Washington (state) in 2009, named in honor of Zachary Lystedt, a middle school football player who suffered a concussion and was allowed to return to play, after which he suffered more injury. This propelled 10 other states by February 2011 to pass similar laws. The next section of the article tackled an issue where high school who suffer concussions have trouble returning to the classroom and the need for a provision in the concussion-reform laws to allow for students to have easier work loads while recovering from a concussion, as concussion specialist Gerry Gioia noted about Sarah Rainey, whose brain took four months to recover from a serious of concussions. The article concluded that though only trained medical professionals can diagnose someone with a concussion, it is important for coaches to recognize the symptoms and not send players back on the field if they have any doubt about whether they had suffered a concussion. The article recognized that not every high school has the same medical officials that NFL teams do, but they do have the power to be aware of the symptoms of a concussion.
In my opinion, the most important thing that should be done to prevent concussion injury is awareness; and I do not mean awareness in the form of reading and signing a paper on the symptoms of a concussion. I mean reading forms like that and watching brief clips of someone who suffers from Second Impact Syndrome. This affected me more than any paper did, and I believe it makes people more conscious of the risks of a concussion. Until they are scared of suffering from a concussion-related illness, they will not take it seriously. I also believe that coaches, especially if there is no medical official or trainer around, should exercise the utter-most caution when it comes to students who show even the faintest signs of having suffered a concussion. It will not hurt them to do without a player or two for a little while until the concussion issues are resolved or else have their players might suffer with major injuries for the rest of their lives. These principles I believe are important to prevent injuries with concussions.
Nice Job Jared, perfect format!!!!
ReplyDelete“Troubling Trends about concussions in high school athletes” talks about a recent study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine that tracked both boy and girl high school athletes playing 20 different sports. Over 13% of all sports injuries in this study were concussions and the most concussions happened in football, girls’ soccer, boys wrestling, and girls’ basketball. The study pointed out some trends, including that concussions happened more often during competition than in practice and the main cause of concussions was direct player-to-player contact. Concussions occurred more often in girls’ sports than in boy’s sports and girls had a higher chance of having another concussion.
To help prevent concussions, I agree with the author that coaches of all sports for boys and girls need to teach athletes how play fairly without being rough and causing injury to others. Coaches and parents should make sure that all athletes have protective equipment that fits properly. Referees should enforce sports rules strictly to help prevent injuries. If an athlete is in a head collision, the athlete should be checked out because they could get a worse injury if it isn’t treated right when it happens. Athletes who suffer concussions should be made to sit out for at least a week so they can heal completely.
ReplyDeleteThis article talks about how serious concussions are especially for high school sports players whose brains are not fully developed yet. Concussions are a very serious injury and need to be properly treated. The rate of concussions has doubled over the past ten years. A lot of times athletes will get back in the game way to quickly without giving enough time for healing. Many concussions are gone unnoticed but at least 20% of high-school football players suffer at least one concussion over their years of playing. The article also talks about how athletic trainers, coaches, parents, and players all need to carefully watch for symptoms of a concussion. Symptoms may include dizziness, confusion, and headaches. Many high school teams are getting helmets that have sensors in them to track the hard blows to the head to help prevent concussions and what concussions could later lead to if not treated properly.
I think that the best way to prevent the injury is like the article said, to pay more attention to the players and watch for the symptoms of a concussion. I also think the sensor in the helmets is a great idea.
ReplyDeleteThis article is talking about how high school athlete will return from a concussion earlier than what they should and are risking making their concussion even worse than it already is. Researchers say that out of the 14,635 injures in high school sports 1,936 of these injures were concussions. There were 20 sports studied and most of the concussions were from player-to-player contact. Most athletes are more likely to get a concussion in a game than in a practice except for cheerleaders. Cheerleaders are 10 times more likely to get a concussion in practice than a game or competing in a competition. Most of the concussions that occurred in sports were mild, 40 percent of athletes symptoms disappeared within three days. Most of the athletes returned to practice within three weeks and 25 percent of players returned to practice in a day. However there were a small 2 percent of athletes who returned to practice or game the exact same day that the concussion occurred. About 11 percent of athletes had had a concussion before. The most concussions occurred in football (47 percent) and women’s soccer was the second (8.2 percent). Researchers found that men’s volleyball was the safest sport and there were no concussions reported. Men also have a lower chance than women to get a concussion from contact with the surface and another player’s equipment. In the article it also stated that a girl is more likely to be honest about telling someone about their injury than boys are.
Personally I think that the coaches, players, and athletic trainers should have a great knowledge of concussion symptoms and effects. Having a sensor in helmets is a great idea because most athletes will not tell someone about their injury or symptoms because they do not want to lose playing time over it. A concussion is a very serious injury because it is injuring your brain/head. If people do not start taking them more seriously than players can get hurt worse and could even suffer for the rest of their lives.
ReplyDeleteThis article is all about becoming more serious about concussions. The legislature passes Natasha’s Law which requires coaches to become more informed about concussions and what their limits are on when they can play a player. Dr. Jim Sterling made an excellent point when he said “We’ve hurt a kid’s brain and put him back in the game the same day, but when they have a knee injury, they’re out for three weeks.” I think that some people or coaches think that if you can’t see the injury your good to go. But in reality playing with a concussion is more dangerous than playing with an injured knee. Don’t get me wrong a player should never play if they are hurt but if you are playing with a concussion and you take a hard it to the head it could end up causing severe brain damage or even worse death. The coaches in the article are giving back a lot of positive feed back which I think just goes to show that its better to sit out of a few games then take the risk of playing with a concussion and getting hurt and having to sit out for the rest of your life.
ReplyDeleteMy article gave the idea that understanding the risks may contribute to the detection, treatment, and prevention of head injuries. Data was gathered from 25 schools, playing 12 different sports over the course of 11 years. To help gather this data, one if not two athletic trainers were present at all games and practices. It was entered into an electronic medical record keeping program where it was monitored by a central location so all data could be combined. The information gained from this experiment was that boys receive the majority of the head injuries, football causing over half of them. The leading sport of concussions for girls was soccer. After collecting data from 12 different sports, most of them not originally a major concern for head injury, the researchers found that detection, treatment, and prevention should not be limited to sports with higher concussion risk. All injuries should be taken seriously. Over the 11 years, concussion rates increased. In 1998 0.12 cases per 100 athletic exposure were reported and in 2008 0.49 per 1000. Another interesting finding was that when sports are similar, such as girl’s soccer and boy’s soccer, girls have higher concussion rate. Researchers also noted that girls are more willing to report injuries so that could also have an effect on data.
Watching the Second Impact Syndrome was the most effective way to get my attention. Before, a concussion was no big deal to me but now that I have more knowledge I think every athlete should be given this information so they can be aware of the risks. My mom played sports and was quite reckless in high school and she received 4 concussions. She got one playing basketball and continued to play one and a half more quarters, which she claimed to be blind for the majority of. I don’t entirely believe her but if it makes her feel young again, more power to her. Even now as a medical professional, she laughs it off saying it was no big deal. I think had she had this knowledge growing up she would have been more cautious and probably have a bit more brain function today. Sitting out one more game or staying home and not being crazy can be more beneficial than we probably know. We are so blessed to be able to do the things we can so we should take care and be aware.
ReplyDeleteIn this article the author is talking about how powerful the impact of concussions has had on our youth. Of the all the concussions that occur in high school sports from 1997-2008, football has been the cause for over half of the concussions. In the past kids would get hit hard in the head and possibly be concussed and then come out and simply be asked if they are ok and they will then be then put right back on the field without having any earthly idea that they are playing with the possibility of getting critically injured or even dying. No one understood how dangerous these concussions were, especially when it happened to the younger athletes, with their brains still developing. Then there came out a new test to help better tell if a player who takes a hard shot to the head has a concussion. It is called the King-Devick test. It utilizes the athlete’s vision, which is something that is highly affected by concussions, and if an athlete struggles with the test it is almost certain that they have a concussion. While this test is not perfect it is a major step in doing more to care for the youth and help better treat concussions. The author does a good job displaying the ignorance that the population had with concussions in the past and the danger that they pose to young athletes. Also, the new test that has been created is ground breaking and possibly even life-saving, it is the first step towards protecting the mind of the next generation.
ReplyDeleteConcussions have been a big issue in football, especially in high school football. While the rates of concussions are reaching an epidemic high in all fields of high school athletics, the concussion rate in high school football has skyrocketed. More and more football players are getting concussed, and it’s happening more frequently. The percentage of high school football players that get a concussion has gotten to over sixty percent. The concussion has become the far most frequent issue in high school sports and has created a crisis for everyone that is affected by it. While concussions are growing more and more frequent, so is the amount of effort put into making sure that those players that are concussed are fully healed before they return to the field, because another head injury when a player has not fully recovered can be deadly. I believe that these people should not be getting concussions, the sport comes with it the chance of injury and they should be prepared to deal with the consequences. However, I do believe that it is good that there has been a great increase in the amount of care given to those with the head injuries. The brain is a vital piece to human life and should not be taken lightly; a person’s life is more valuable than a fleeting play made in a game.
-Conner Furr
ReplyDeleteAccording to this article, concussions account for almost one in ten sports injuries. it is estimated that more than 130,000 concussions happened in 9 sports last year. The most concussions occured in football and boys' and girls' soccer.. Concussions sometimes might not seem like a big deal (because most of the time, there's no visible trauma) but it's actually a very important issue. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. When a player has had a concussion, it's very important for he/she to stay out of the games for a while. If they don't, then there is a possibility of Second Impact Syndrome (SIS), which has been the killer of 14 high school football players in the last year according to the Annual Survey of Football Injury Research.
I think that each player who gets a concussion should stay out of the game for a long period of time. Once the time is over, they should get rechecked by a doctor just to be sure. This would definitly reduce injuries and even deaths
ReplyDeleteThis article talks about the second impact syndrome, and how teenagers have died from it. These athletes were put back in too soon after being unconscious. And that shockingly "sports are second only to motor vehicle accidents as the leading cause of brain injury." Football is not the only game that players get concussions on, but it seems like a hit to the head is worse on a football field than a soccer field. An injury in total is bad enough, but an injury to the head is very serious. Coaches can not take these things lightly just because they are the best player. I think that the first time they get a concussion that they should not be aloud to play for a while until they are fully recovered. This might not be fair at first if the player think they are ok, but it is for the good of them. Its better to sit out now then sit out forever.
ReplyDeleteThis article discusses the dangers from recieving concussions. If a player were to re-enter a game before the concussion was completely healed and got another concussion, they could get SIS (second impact syndrome). This is when the brain swells and eventually leads to respiratory failure. This syndrome is so serious it can result in death. Studies show that concussions are one in ten sports injuries, and sports are the second leading cause of brain injury, following vehicle accidents. Most concussions come from football and soccer. Young athletes have more immature brains and skulls than older athletes. This means the risk of death it much higher. Only 42% of high schools have athletic trainers. I believe that every highschool should have a professional trainer to watch out for serious injuries that happen during each sports season. People need to pay more attention to the symptoms and not avoid taking care of themselves just so they can stay in the spotlight. Good health is much more important that any sports reputation. Schools should have frequent concussion tests to make absolute sure that every single player is eligable to play.
ReplyDeleteThe Article “Troubling Trends about Concussions in High School Athletes” talks about how normally the main focus for studying concussions is centered on professional teams and football however; recent studies have proven that younger athletes are more prone to concussions than older ones. We learned this is due to the fact that the athletes’ brain is not fully developed yet. The research found that also many more injuries are happening now a day in sports. A fact that I found interesting was compared to boy sports that girl sports all together have more concussions. Also, out of almost fifteen thousand injuries over a couple of years almost 14% of those were all concussions. The article suggested that athletes and families of athletes need to become more aware of concussions and its side effects. There is a new rule now that if a player gets a concussion they are required to sit out the rest of that day, because in previous years they would let them back on the field.
I think that they should require athletes to watch one of the videos we watched in class because I think it could make a huge impact. High School athletes need to learn just how serious a concussion really is and all the lifelong damage it can bring them. I believe that if people were more aware of concussions and everything that it can cause they would become smarter about the decision of either sitting out or going back in the game.
ReplyDeleteIn this article Dr. Geier discusses how with most athletes being young their brains are not fully developed and with having a brain injury while it's still developing can have major, lifetime consequences. The sports with the most concussions were football, girls soccer, boys wrestling, and girls basketball. In other words contact sports were the leading cause of concussions in high school sports. Another thing he talked about was how much more concussions and reoccurring concussions happened in female sports than in male sports. I believe there is no way to officially be taught how to avoid a concussion but to be taught on how to treat it better and be more careful while we play. Being in a sport you have to realize there is a chance of you getting injured, that's just one thing you have to accept. Getting hurt, sitting out a game or two will not let it heal but get worse if you get hurt again and with a concussion that is just one of the risks we shouldn't take.
ReplyDeleteIn this article statistics are given with how often a concussion may occur and how many times that one sport can cause the injury. This article also states that there has been a rise in concussions over the years. A study was conducted on 6 different sport and 5 times out of every 10,000 times an athlete stepped on the field a concussion has occurred. This article also states that girls are more likely to have a concussion because they are more likely to go see a doctor and they cant absorb a hit as well as a male might be able too. You are then told that there are about 1.5 deaths per year due to a second concussion. This is called second impact syndrome which is where the brain is still healing from the first concussion. This article is fact that more studies need to be done to keep kids playing a sport safe. Although new precautions have been put in place to better insure player safety incidents like second impact syndrome are still happening today and an injury as such can all but ruin a young child’s life. I believe that more safety equipment should be required for full contact sports, helmets have defiantly improved over the years but more can still be done. There should also be required doctors appointments after every game or contact practice because being knocked out on the field is not the only way to receive a concussion. Coaches and parents should also do a better job of observing the players. With a concussion symptoms are present and are sometimes pushed under the rug and go un noticed. So everyone has a role in protecting players from a concussion.
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ReplyDeleteThis lovely article is talking about the high attention towards sport-related concussions. The sports reporting the most concussions were football, girls’ soccer, boys wrestling, and girls’ basketball, with football being the center of focus. Due to recent studies, younger athelete players are more common to get concussions than older athlete players because their brain is still developing. Of all the high school samples across the US, from 2008-2010, researchers found that 14,635 injuries were reported and 13.2% of those injuries were concussions. Dr. David Geiger, the one who wrote the article, was shocked to see that these concussions occurred frequently in competition and most of the athletes missed more than one week because of the concussion. Also that female concussion rates were higher than men's and had an even higher rate of recurrent concussions.
I think every high school student needs to be aware of the dangers of concussions, especially high school athletes. To prevent concussions, players need to have frequent concussion tests and to be aware of the consequences he or she might have if they choose to continue playing knowing the could possibly have a concussion.
ReplyDeleteIn this article it explains how many players still continue to play after they have gotten concussions. It is reported that 40.5 percent of people return to play. This is shown to cause more serious injuries. Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital shows that concussions cause long term effects. This shows that the there is unqualified trainers on the sidelines that can not determine whats best for the high school athletes. They make false conformation if the players are able to get back on the field after they get a concussion. Dawn Cornstock finds it alarming on how many athletes return to play. He estimated about 130,000 concussions in sports. He also concluded that 16 percent go back to playing on the same day they got a concussion. It says that young athletes have immature brains that could cause death. The concussion that athletes get can cause death because of Second impact Syndrome, which is the swelling of the brain. According to the Annual Survey of Football Injury Research, 14 high school football players have died. 2 from SIS and 3 from other brain injuries.Kevin Guskiewicz said that only 42 percent have high school athletic trainers. He says that if people do not have certified trainers then the sport should not be aloud there. I completely agree with the article. It explains everything in good detail and it gives a good argument on why it is important for players not to return on the field if they have concussions or brain injuries. I agree with Kevin on the fact that the sport should not be aloud if they do not have a personal trainer. Research backs up the point that it is very dangerous to have a concussion and to return to the field. It could cause SIS which may lead to death. To reduce the amount of cases of SIS and concussions, I believe that every school should have a qualified athletic trainer. If they do not have one, no one should be able to play sports. I believe the only way to reduce these causes is up to the high school on getting a trainer that can determine what is best for the athletes. Even now steps are being made because it says the National Federation of State High School Associations said that they are sending out concussion pamphlets to state federations. I believe this will be major help because it will encourage high schools to be more aware of how dangerous concussions can be. To prevent the numerous amounts of cases of concussions and SIS, I believe that it is up to the high schools and the personal trainers to make the right decision on letting the player get back on the field.
ReplyDelete“Concussion Statistics in High School Sports” talks about not only the risk for football players, but for pretty much all major contact/team sports in high school. 1 in every 10 injuries are due to concussions. High school athletes have an increased risk of being concussed. In football, more than any other sport, close to 60% of high school players receive one and not all are handled the way they should be. Girls could actually be more prone to concussions than boys, due to weaker neck muscles. But boys have a thing with pride where they think they will look weak if they are taken out of the game, so they are less likely to report symptoms. Once an athlete is concussed, their chances of it happening again increase greatly. Symptoms like confusion, post traumatic amnesia, and losing consciousness are common. The severity of the concussion determines the length of recovery period. Some symptoms cease after just 24 hours, while some persist until up to a month after the incident.
I think that people need to be more aware of the repercussions of an injury like this. Watching the video on Preston was scary and knowing that something like that can happen is just sad. If coaches and trainers make it obvious that the players health comes before winning a game, then players would be more likely to speak up about being injured or dizzy. I know that the type of equipment app state is using that you described is expensive, but it’s so important to be able to know what maybe the players aren’t telling the coaches about how hard they are being hit.
ReplyDeleteThis article is about how many high school athletes continue to play their sport way too soon after they get a councussion. It also says that there are not people on the sideline that are trained to take action and make the right decisions when someone gets a concussion on the field. Sports is the second leading cause of brain injury for people ages 15 to 24. More than 130 thousand concussions happened in nine sports in 2008 and the number is growing. Most concussions happen in football and soccer and 16% of football players continued to play the same day they got a concussion. This is extremely dangerous. Going back to play sports too soon after a concussion increases the risk of getting another concussion and getting depression and dementia. Many players can get seond impact syndrome from going back too soon after a concussion like the kid we saw the video about in class. I think that in order to prevent concussions, second impact syndrome, and brain damage in high school athletes schools teach athletes the symptons of a concussion and what to do if they get those symptoms and if they get hit in the head hard. Schools should also have a couple of trained concussion experts at each practice and game.
ReplyDeleteIn this article by TIME Magazine they writer talks about how kids return to the game they are playing too soon after suffering a concussion. That statistics don't lie. From 2005-2008 4% of athletes return to the game way too soon according to the American Academy of Neurology guidelines. Over 16% of athletes returned to the field after experiencing symptoms that lasted longer than 15 minutes. This particular article mentions second-impact syndrome. I personally believe that concussions can be prevented more and more as technology continues to go great lengths to increase protection in helmets especially in softball, baseball, and football. As the video we watched in class said, the initial hit is not what causes the damage, yes, it does cause some, but the second hit is the most crucial. I think that after a player suffers from a concussion they must wait 4 weeks after the concussion was diagnosed by a doctor. Although some teams have trainers, not all trainers are specialized in concussions. Personally, I believe that all sports teams must require at least 2 team trainers, both specializing in concussions. Why? because these trainers can watch the player from the first hit, all the way up to the final week of his recovery. Brain injuries are a serious matter and because of how young high school athletes are ranging from 14-18 their brains are still developing and a little hit has a big consequence. This has been proven as how these can effect a person later in life. High school seasons usually last 12 weeks. I rather, as an athlete, stay in and play my whole season, but seeing how the effects of a concussion can hurt someone and alter their lives forever, four weeks seems very small. As you said in class how inconvenient it is to have a trainer watching the screens at Appalachian State, I think its wonderful how App. State is leading the way in concussion prevention. I think high schools should look into getting equipment just like that for their student athletes. Money is just paper, it has a value, but a kids life is priceless.
ReplyDeleteIn this article it talks about concussions in high school athletes. It says that they face serious risks of getting concussions, and many of them that get concussions return to playing either in the same game or shortly after. This poses great harm to them because they could suffer even greater injury or death. It says that as many as 40.5% of high school atheles return to action short after and 16% of football players returned to playing in the same day as they lost consciousness. I thing that the school's trainers should be a lot more strict and crack down on concussions. I think that now people are taking concussions very seriously and most schools are doing a better job of dealing with them and treating them. I think that we need to better our understanding on them so that we can try to prevent more athelets from suffering concussions.
ReplyDeleteIn this article professionals explain what a cuncossion is, what the symptoms are and how to treat. A cuncussion is a mild traumnatic brain injury that affects the way your brain works. It is caused by car accidents, sports injuries and even hard falls on the head. Most people who have concussions have a hard time remebering things and concentrating. This is a medical emergency that needs the attenion of doctors and should be taken care of as soon as the symptoms are noticed. These symptoms can occur right after the injury or not for a few days. Most people with cuncossions do not suffer long term problems and are back to normal in 3 months. Some ways of treating concussions are physicaland occupational therapies as well as vocal therapy but mostly just plenty of rest. The worst thing for someone with a concussion is to have a second brain injury right on top of that because that causes second impact syndrome. This is when the brain takes too many hard blows to the head in a row and the brain begins to swell inside the skull which can lead to death. The best way to avoid this is to not allow someone with a concussion to do any physical activity that could cause another brain injury until they are cleared by a doctor. Most concussions do not have life threatening symptoms unless second impact syndrome sets in.
ReplyDeleteFootball and concussions these days are a huge deal and I believe we should be taking as much caution as we can with it. I think what they are doing over at app state is awesome and I think all schools should have it in the future. Although it gets annoying the safety of these young players and their future depends on the safety staff at the schools. Even if the concussion itself isn’t killing people they are doing physical damage to themselves and committing suicide because they cant handle it. It is up to the knowledge of the safety staff as well as the player to take caution in the sport they are participating in and for their future.
ReplyDeleteIn the last decade concussion rates have skyrocketed due to lack of knowledge about concussions. My article is mainly about the statistics and the increased amount of concussions in all sports. It says that in nearly every high school football game someone gets a mild concussion. This stat is amazing that concussions are so common but almost never treated. I propose that treatment of these mild concussions be enforced more because of the possibility of SIS (Second Impact Syndrome). SIS is a syndrome when the brain suffers a second concussion before it is properly healed from the first. This can result in major brain swelling and severe brain damage. The only way to prevent more serious concussions an SIS is to take proper treatment methods. This starts at better concussion identification and proper rehabilitation. The only way to provide for the athletes of tomorrow is to protect them today.